
Justin Gil - neuer NLB und Cadets Coach und NLA Spieler

Additionally to the acquiring a new head coach, John Baum, the Flyers are very exited to welcome Justin Gil to the club. Justin is a utility player that had a successful collegiate career at Ohio Valley University and was able to gain experience playing internationally in Australia. During his stay in Australia he utilized his previous leadership roles as a captain on his college team and became an assistant coach for the Footscray Bulldogs. He mostly handled the hitting, developing young players, and introducing new people to baseball.

With his success and experience, the Flyers are confident that Justin will have an immediate impact on the entire club. He will be the new head coach of the NLB and Cadets team and on top of that, Justin will be a key player on the NLA team.

Previous to Justin's arrival we asked him a few questions and let him introduce himself to us:

Justin, this is your first time playing in Europe. What are your expectations for your first year with the Therwil Flyers?

I’m excited. I’m excited to meet the guys I’ve been emailing and talking to on the phone. I don’t really have any expectations baseball wise, it’s the same game at every level except guys are better the higher up you go. I’m looking forward to doing my part to fit into the club, get amongst the guys, win, and have a good time playing ball. 

What made you want to play Baseball with the Therwil Flyers?

I chose Therwil because it seemed like a great fit. Talking to John, I’m used to the style of play of the team, get them on, get them over, make the defense field the ball. I also took a look at the team stats and there’s studs on this team everywhere on the field, so I’m excited to play with those guys. I feel like my style of baseball will fit in nicely with Therwil. It doesn't hurt that the area’s also beautiful and really close to Germany and France, which I hope to take advantage of.

You have a gained some great experience playing collegiate Baseball at Ohio Valley University and most recently with the Newport Rams in Australia. How do you think these experiences will help you coach the juniors and support the men’s team?

Yeah. I’m still only 24, but my experience is what I call on. It allows me to be comfortable when I’m helping a guy out with something or in a tight game situation. My college coach always used to say in practice that anyone can do well when everything’s going right, but you want to be the guy that’s dependable when everything’s going bad. I strive for that. Thinking back I’ve had some great coaching and I’ve had some not so great coaching as well. I’ve always preferred guys who taught me the game through an open conversation and explaining “the why” rather than a guy who says you have to do this a certain way because that’s how I’m telling you to do it. I’m looking forward to explain “the why” to juniors and be used as a tool for them to get better.

Throughout your career you have played all infield positions and some outfield, but what is your most favorite position to play?

That’s right, I played primarily 1st and catcher in high school. I primarily caught and played 1st base my first two years of college and then my junior year came around and I was bringing 4 different gloves to the ballpark ever since. I feel most comfortable playing any infield position. I haven’t caught consistently in about 6 or 7 months, but I feel comfortable doing that as well.

What was your favorite moment on the Baseball field?

It’s hard to pick from 21 years of baseball, but my absolute favorite moment would have to be the last game of the season on senior day my freshman year of college. We weren’t really good, but we were playing a rival conference team to decide the series and a fellow freshman and friend who didn’t get much playing time was asked to pinch hit in a late game situation and he hit a 3-run home run to tie the game, we ended up winning the game, but just seeing him come up big in that situation was the culmination of his hard work, frustrations, and being the ultimate team guy. You love seeing stuff like that in baseball, it couldn’t have happened to a better guy.

How would you describe yourself as a player/coach?

As a player I’m definitely a hustle guy. I’ll run out every ball because that’s how I was taught. If I can steal an infield hit for the boys I’ll do it. As a coach I’m pretty laid back and definitely way less intense than I am as a player. I want to help guys and teach how to do things and why. I’ll have a lot of free time on my hands, so if anyone wants to get extra work in let me and I’ll love to help out

You will be in charge of coaching the U15 and NLB, so what is your philosophy of coaching? 

I wouldn’t say I have a coaching philosophy per se, or concrete expectations, but I’ll be happy if we’re able to achieve / develop the following points:

1. A positive sporting experience 

2. A passion for the game of baseball

3. Have fun

4. Get better everyday

What are some expectations that you have from the two teams that you will be leading?

Getting better means showing up and giving your full enthusiasm. Whether you were hitting the ball well or making all the plays that practice, or not doesn’t matter, we’re not perfect. The main goal is to build people’s confidence and abilities up. I’ve been told I’m really intense as a player, but off the field I’m really laid back, I like to think my coaching style is more like my off the field personality than my on field intensity

Do you have a practice plan that you would like to introduce?

I don’t have a practice plan yet, I have a few ideas how I want to run things, but that depends on a few factors that I won’t know until I get to Therwil.

I’m really excited for us to have some fun this year.


We look forward welcoming Justin to the Flyers family. The club is wishing him all the best during his stay in Switzerland. Go Flyers!